Dear 30
December 15th
Photo by Venus Se7en
HELLO, 30! What a trip it's been since my descent from Jupiter. [Story for another time!]
I used to think we were so far apart, but here you are with me now. Not the stranger I imagined you would be, but a friend—a long-awaited friend with a fresh face who will escort me to new places on my ever-evolving journey.
In this season and others to come, which I am blessed to witness, I anticipate and welcome ALL THINGS NEW AND DIVINE from relationships to perspectives, leaving no room for the futile I held onto for longer than I should have.
The trip through my twenties was anfractuous, to say the least. Not all bad, of course, but I'm excited about the new chapters! The Creator has truly blessed me, and I plan to use the remainder of my time in this space living the life He awarded me and the purpose for which I am here: to be kind, to love, give, help others, make people laugh, conceive creative works, and continue being the superfly bad motha[shut-yo-mouth] I've been since birth.
Nina said it best:
it's a new dawn,
it's a new day,
it's a new life for me...and I'm feeling good.